Creating traced issues
An issue issue with traceability enabled will be updated automatically by the tracer action.
Issue containing subtasks information updated by tracer
## Section
## Traceability <!-- traceability -->
<!-- Section created by tracer. Do not edit -->
### Related issues
- [x] Closed issue title (#1)
- [ ] Open issue title (#2)
Refining needs and defining subtasks
You can mark a requirement as a subtask by including in the issue's body a snippet indicating the parent issue number.
An issue body metadata
## Section
the issue body...
<!-- issue metadata at the end of the body, in yaml format -->
partOf: #{parentIssueNumber}
⚠️ Make sure that the parent issue exist and is enabled for traceability before marking an issue part of it.
Resolving requirements
A pull request that follows the pull request format will automatically link the pull request with the issue.
Last updated on February 7, 2023