Getting Started

Repository configurations

The following configurations must be performed in the repository.

Setting the action

The following action must be added to the repository to enable the traceability.

name: Issue tracing
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Issue tracer
        uses: CompliancePal/issue-tracer@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The GITHUB_TOKEN secret has repository scope. If you refernce issues in other repostories, you need to provide a PAT that has the followig scopes:

  • repo

configure issue templates

The following issue template enables tracing for all issues refined from it.

title: Issue with traceability
## Traceability <!-- traceability -->
<!-- Traceability content will be added here by tracer action -->

The template can have any structure. The tracer action maintains the traceability information under the section marked with the "heading" with <!-- traceability -->.


You must add at least one issue template configured for traceability in the repository.


Enabling the traceability with issue templates provides a consistent experience. With tracing enabled by default for all relevant issues, you avoid errors that can occur from manually crafting your issues.

Configure pull request template

The following template enables tracing the issues that is resolved by the pull request

Resolves #{requirementNumber}.
<!-- The rest of the template -->

Marking which change request resolves a particular issue is achieved using the GitHub's functionality of cross references with keywords (opens in a new tab).


Pull requests must use a pull request template (opens in a new tab) to make the experience consistent, and eliminate human error.

Last updated on February 7, 2023